Focus Areas
Restoring Connection
Avoiding divorce is great, but marriage is made for much more. More connection, more intimacy, and more fun. You don't have to settle for an ok marriage. You can restore your connection and truly enjoy your spouse again.
Recovering from Grief and Loss
Losing a loved one when they die is heart breaking. Grief is an important process by which we sort through the broken pieces and varied emotions. Grief also comes with many other losses like pregnancy loss, the death of a pet, divorce, or unresolved conflict with adult children.
Restoring Calm and Confidence
Anxiety is suffocating. Anxiety doesn't care what you have planned or what you have accomplished, its grip can weigh you down. Counseling can help loosen anxiety's grip so you can experience more calm and confidence.
Restoring Motivation and Energy
Depression hurts. Depression doesn't care who you are or what you need to do today. It can make you feel like you are a burden to others or think of suicide. Real restoration from depression is possible. Counseling can help return your motivation and energy.
Recovering from Trauma and Addiction
Your experiences matter. Hurtful experiences can have lasting effects that impact us deeply. Addictions often result in hurtful experiences for you and those you love. Counseling can help recover what your trauma or your addiction stole from you.
Personal Growth and Success
You don't need to continue to live lost, stuck, and miserable. Counseling can help identify areas of personal growth and inspire you to thrive. You'll discover through the process of recovery and restoration you have accomplished true success. Let the new you shine through.
My Approach
I'm a laid back supportive counselor with a friendly smile and quick wit. I see attachment as a primary drive and emotions as helpful for understanding ourselves and others.
I lean heavily on attachment and person centered theories. I often take the perspective of Emotion Focused Couple Therapy in my work with couples.
I have over 18 years experience working at the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare in various departments including Child Welfare, Infant and Toddler Program, and Adult Behavioral Health.
I earned two degrees from Northwest Nazarene University including a B.S. in Social Work 2001 and M.A. in Marriage and family Counseling 2008. I am a Licensed Social Worker (LSW)-Idaho, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC)-Idaho.
Serving people through the counseling profession is a direct result of God’s call on my life to serve others as He first loved me. Along my faith journey I’ve discovered the more I remain connected to Him the more I see and feel His hand gently directing and blessing me out of his abundant grace and love.